We Offer’s Spray Painting Booth has been advocated throughout industry as the most efficient method of filtering paint over spray. At the same time it effectively prevents in over spray from reaching the surrounding area. Spray Painting Booth are used to increase efficiency of operator, reduce dust problems, reduce over spray problems, paint dust, increase corrosion resistance of the product to be painted. Spray painting also plays a big role in removal of waste spray paint and the sludge formed by it. Our Spray Painting Booth can meet all our Customer requirements. Painting in Spray Painting booth provides the highest quality in all kinds of painting application. Our Spray painting booth is for every kind of business, all kind of components and different products and can meet all your requirements. The spray painting booth is on simple construction, easy to install and maintain. Normally Paint Booths are made of mild steel components (Value addition can be done by all stainless steel components), it also consists of a highly efficient exhaust blower or blowers to throw thinner in higher altitudes of air.